Wednesday 4 May 2011

A Holy Week note to Ontario churches

Dear Friends, Just one week ago today, we walked up the Mount of Olives through the Garden of Gethsemane – the area where Jesus prayed, wept and was arrested – and then back again to the Old City of Jerusalem, to the area where Jesus was crucified and buried. It was our last day in Palestine-Israel, and we were filled – even overwhelmed – with all we had heard and seen, felt and smelt.

Now it’s Passion Week. We’re back home and, with our congregations, are preparing to comemmorate Jesus’ walk of agony to the cross: the same geographical path we took last week – the steps of Jesus in his last days.

Yet, our Palestinian sisters and brothers (Christians and Muslims) are in agony daily, suffering under the illegal military occupation of their lands. A huge Separation Wall cuts through their land and neighbourhoods. Palestinian labours can’t get to work. Palestinians are cut off from family and friends. Shops are cut off from their customers, farmers from their lands. Palestinian olive groves are razed, their homes also.

They asked us to tell their stories to our churches.

As Christians we believe the agony of the cross is not the last word; Resurrection and New Life follow! As we commemorate Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, can we pray and act for resurrection in Palestine-Israel? For justice in Jesus’ land? For peace between our Palestinian and Israeli sisters and brothers? MCC’s Palestinian Christian partners call us to prayer and action, to hope and resurrection. Let’s not disappoint them.

Wishing you all New Life in Christ's Resurrection!
Tim Schmucker, MCCO Justice and Peace Programs Coordinator.